Upcoming Events
Kaylee Wei and Meher Mehta
Feb 1-5: City of Fremont Climate Talks
From February 1 to February 5, the City of Fremont is hosting a virtual climate talk to discuss and provide updates on its Climate Action Plan (CAP). Each day will focus on different topics:
Monday (2/1/21): Energy and Buildings
Tuesday (2/2/21): Land Use and Transportation
Wednesday (2/3/21): Materials, Waste, and Food
Thursday (2/4/21): Water and Nature in the City
Friday (2/5/21): Green Business and Market Innovation
Attendees can ask questions to area experts and provide feedback and ideas regarding the CAP. Register here.
Feb 7, 13, 21, 27: Let in the Wow
Join the Sierra Club on the weekends to destress and relax through meditation and slow-walking practices. Enjoy the fresh air in your backyard and connect to the present. Find more information about this event and sign up here. To learn more about the Sierra Club’s future events, see their calendar.
Feb 19: Rebuilding Paradise
Join the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association’s premiere of the film Rebuilding Paradise, which explores the rebuilding of California cities after the recent devastating fires. Is racism involved in determining which areas get rebuilt? Who gets to stay, and who has to leave? Register for this virtual event here, and see their calendar for more events here.
Feb 27: International Polar Bear Day
Join the Polar Bears International on February 27 to learn about the challenges that polar bears are facing in a warming Arctic climate. Throughout the day, starting at 7 AM PST and ending at 3 PM PST, this virtual event will feature experts from all around the world who will discuss their research, share ways to prevent climate change, and answer any burning questions. Join their live webinar on their Facebook page here, and learn more about Polar Bears International here.
March 25: COVID-19 Phone-banking
In these troubling times, immigrants, refugees, and working class families need reliable information and resources to combat COVID-19. Volunteer with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network to phone-bank from the comfort of your own home while assisting families. Learn more about this event and register here.
April 22: Earth Day
In response to COVID-19 last year, EARTHDAY.ORG--founded at the world's first Earth Day in 1970--hosted a virtual speaker event featuring experts from all over the world. Speakers answered questions and shared solutions to climate change throughout the day-long event.
This year, with lockdown still in place, EARTHDAY.ORG expects to host a similar event. Learn more about their mission and sign up for updates about this year’s Earth Day here.